Take Action

  • Stop Pebble Mine


    Donate today to help support CFBB’s work to safeguard the ecological, social, and economic wellbeing of Bristol Bay’s communities and commercial fishing fleet for generations to come. Your contribution to this important work is appreciated!

  • Woman with Alaskan salmon

    Take Action for Bristol Bay

    Action is still needed to ensure that Bristol Bay lands and waters are permanently protected from large-scale mineral development. Take Action today to remind your members of Congress to of the importance of Bristol Bay!

  • Bristol Bay River

    Become a Supporter of CFBB

    CFBB draws its strength from fishing businesses small and large and a network of fishermen spanning coast to coast. We invite you to join this network working to protect the world’s greatest wild salmon runs and the 15,000 American Jobs it supports.

  • Group with Bristol Bay Forever sign

    Join our Fleet Team

    Help spread the word with your networks, family and friends by joining our growing team of fishermen working to protect Bristol Bay. Join the team and receive regular updates, access to outreach materials and opportunities to represent Commercial Fishermen For Bristol Bay.

  • Bristol Bay

    COMMENT ON NUYAKUK Updated Study Report

    Your Voice is Important ! The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is seeking comment on the Updated Study Report for the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project before March 21, 2024!

  • Girl with Alaskan salmon


    Sign up for our regular email updates to ensure you stay up to date on ongoing opportunities and issues affecting Bristol Bay!